我们总是以为,我们会找到一个自己很爱很爱的人。 可是当我们回首,才发觉自己曾经多么天真。 假如从来没有开始,你怎么知道自己会不会很爱很爱那个人呢?
茫茫人海可以找到一个心爱的人,这是多么大的福气, 或许没有你想象那么好,应该也不会糟糕到哪里, 所以要知福惜福好好珍惜,多说关怀话,少说责备话。
如果你懂得珍惜,你会发现你获得的越来越多, 如果你一昧追求,你会发现你失去的越来越快。
爱情合理就好,不要委屈将就,不要相信完美的爱情, 其实彼此有缺点,有一种纯朴的可爱就足够了。
我们拥有一只鞋子的时候,才会明白失去另一只鞋子的滋味, 消逝的恋情总是刻骨铭心的,珍惜或放下,都是生命中必经的过程。
相爱的时候需要真诚,争执的时候需要沟通, 生气的时候需要冷静,愉快的时候需要分享, 指责的时候需要谅解,过日子的时候需要包容。
一个人的生命里,擦肩而过的人有千千万万, 有几个是知音?有几个是深爱自己的人? 爱情再坚固,也无法承受忙碌的侵蚀, 你忙得天荒地乱,你忙得忘记关心,你忙得身心疲惫,你忙得无所适从, 但是 ------ 爱情不能等你有空才珍惜。
*p/s: u always ask me to do my stuff and when free that time only come find u this and that...but not everything free that time only do only shows appreciation...because once the feeling have gone...the love have gone...is too late to show any appreciation....and i dun one it to happen so i'm not wasting every single time that i can spend with u....^_^
i wanted to high light this part:
b4 this i always wanted to find some1 that is perfectly match to what i'm looking for in a guy that i love....but now i realize that the person i'm with is actually the person i'm looking for all these time....haha...it is true....i will stop thinking of wat will happen nx because i just want to appreciate the time i have v u...
wish me luck for my exam later....^_^
lolz.. yr whole article langsung tidak berkaitan with yr last sentence..
ReplyDeletebut a nice article!!! thx for sharing..
and GOOD LUCK FOR YR EXAM LATER!!!!!! all da best ya~ ^^
haha....memang pun tak berkaitan...no mood to study than wonder around at facebook lor...hahaha...than found this than ma start to blog lor...hehe....thankz dear for always reading my blog...haha...^_^